Category Archives: Public Speaking

ebook Now available on the BIG THREE eBook retailers

    Splendid News! My Wriggle-Wrestle–Wrangle-with-Words Book is now available in ebook at BIG THREE eBook retailers. Apple  Barnes & Noble  Kobo  Click on the publisher icon below for more details


Why do people fear public speaking? People fear being laughed at or being ridiculed.  We fear that what we say may not make sense to others.  We fear that we do not possess a certain degree in the command and competence of the spoken language.  We fear of making mistakes. 


  Do we have a grasp and grip of the English language, to grab the attention of the reader and the audience? Do we fumble for words, stumble over words, struggle for the right words, or worse, mumble our words, for fear of being ridiculed, criticised or laughed at? Do

Conquering the fear of Public Speaking

How to Conquer the Fear of Public Speaking?

Can we really conquer the fear of public speaking and overcome the nervousness when asked to say a few words at staff and company meetings, or when appointed by the management to deliver a presentation to the staff, management, clients, prospects or suppliers?

Importance of Public Speaking

“The ability to communicate correctly, clearly and confidently is critical and crucial.” ~ Richard Sng